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Here we are in Week Four of the One Room Challenge, the one that’s said to be the most difficult of them all! I’d have to say I probably agree. Week Four is when it becomes obvious whether you’re gonna make it or break it. And, at this point, I’m happy to say it’s looking better than it was last week, but we’re still going to be cutting it close! We shall see!

View into the storage closet.

Looking from the laundry room towards the newly installed door to the storage closet.

Half-painted backside of the door into the house. 😂

As for what we got done this week, we’ve made A TON of progress compared to last week. In fact, we’ve probably made more progress in the past four days than we have in the past three weeks! My husband is THE BEST. After having taken Thursday and Friday off so he could work nonstop on the laundry for the past four days, he seriously got the subfloor built; whole entire laundry extension/hallway/storage closet framed out; drywall up; closet and exterior doors installed; AND opened up the wall in the dining room where the old black door into the garage used to be. It’s INSANE how different it looks and I’m loving it!

I also got a lot of the things I plan to style the laundry room with in the mail yesterday, including a new print from Society 6 that I bought to replace the one they gifted me framed because I changed my mind AND one of their cute, new mini art prints. Can’t wait to show you where I plan to put them!

Installing new exterior door into the garage.

Widening the opening where the old door to the garage used to be.

Tomorrow I’m going to mud all the drywall seams (lawd help me) and my husband is going to do the plumbing for the sink that will be next to the washer and dryer when he gets home from work. After that, it’s going to be a lot of sanding; painting; putting up trim; installing overhead lighting and the sink/cabinets; tiling; doing the flooring; and putting up the mural. We’re going to have to enter beast mode to get it done, but I’m totally optimistic now! Talk to ya next week and thanks for reading!

Check out the other participants here!


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