We’re in the home stretch! I can’t believe we’ve reached Week Five of the One Room Challenge already. It’s gone by super fast this time around. We still have a lot to do and I’m still not sure we’ll finish in time, but at least we’re almost done!

This week, my husband installed all the lighting from Mitzi, the utility closet doors, and the plumbing for the new sink and Kingston Brass faucet. I built the IKEA sink cabinet, painted all the newly-installed doors, and did a whole lot of drywall mudding. I still have some finishing work to do and then a whole lot of sanding to take care of in the next few days. It’ll be smooth sailing from there on out though, assuming the mural I got from Murals Wallpaper goes up pretty easily.

There’s still quite a lot to do, but I’m hoping if we stay on top of it, we’ll finish by next Sunday. I seriously doubt we’ll be ready when most of the reveals happen on Thursday though and I’m okay with that. Just glad the end is in sight and I’m going to have a nice spot to take care of our mountains of laundry!
Check back later this week for the big reveal! If you’d like to see how far we’ve come in the past five weeks, you can check out my previous posts here:
Week One | Week Two | Week Three | Week Four
And check out the rest of the participants here! Thanks for reading! And thanks again to all of my great sponsors: Eclectic Goods, Fireclay Tile, Kingston Brass, Mitzi by Hudson Valley Lighting, Murals Wallpaper, and Society 6.
